Tuesday, 11 June 2019

HomePod will support multiple users and music handoffs

Apple just addressed some of the complaints about the HomePod in one fell swoop. A future update to the smart speaker will bring multiple major upgrades, most notably support for multiple users. Like its rivals, it can recognize who's speaking and customize t…

Saturday, 8 June 2019

Top 20 Before & Afters of All Time: #4 A Reclaimed Traditional Brick Foreclosure

When I started Design*Sponge, makeovers had a much simpler feel and we weren’t yet used to the large-scale “ta-da!” reveals that HGTV has helped make us all more accustomed to. So over time, I’ve seen our Before & After column at Design*Sponge move from prett…

HomePod will support multiple users and music handoffs

Apple just addressed some of the complaints about the HomePod in one fell swoop. A future update to the smart speaker will bring multiple m...